Jackson Group Publications

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81. Banerjee, A.; Creek, A. E.; Malkhasian, A. Y. S.; Joseph, A. M.; Lowes, K. C.; Brennessel, W. W.; Omlor, A.; Schünemann, V.; Singh, P.; Jackson, T. A.; Chavez, F. A., A structural and functional model for alkene dioxygenases. J. Inorg. Biochem. 2025, On-line ASAP, 112718.
80. Singh, P.; Lomax, M. J. A.; Opalade, A. A.; Nguyen, B. B.; Srnec, M.; Jackson, T. A., Basicity of MnIII-Hydroxo Complexes Controls the Thermodynamics of Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer Reactions. Inorg. Chem. 2024, On-line ASAP.
79. Lee, Y.; Puthiyadath, A.; Jones, S. D.; Denler, M. C.; Murphy, P.; Mafi, D.; Jackson, T. A.*Ceric Ammonium Nitrate Oxidation of a MnII Complex Generates a Bis(μ-oxo)dimanganese(IV,IV) Product via a MnIV–Oxo Intermediate. Inorg. Chem. 2024, On-line ASAP.
78. Jackson, T.A. ; Grotemeyer, E. N. and Aghaei, Z. Spectroscopic Properties and Reactivity of a MnIII-hydroperoxo Complex that is Stable at Room Temperature. Chem - Eur. J. 2024, 30, e202403051.
77. Jafari, M. G.; Zolnhofer, E. M.; Fehn, D.; Heinemann, F. W.; Opalade, A. A.; Carroll, P. J.; Meyer, K.; Krzystek, J.; Ozarowski, A.; Mindiola, D. J.;* Jackson, T. A.; Telser, J. A.* Electronic Structure of trans-[VIICl2(E(CH3)2CH2CH2E(CH3)2)2], E=N, P. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2024, On-line ASAP, e202400395.
76. Kayne, M.; Murphy, P. S.; Kwon, Y. M.; Jackson, T. A.* Wang, D.* Generation, Characterization and Reactivity of a High-Valent Mononuclear Cobalt(IV)-Diazide Complex. Chem - Eur. J. 2024, 30, e202401218.
75. Brunclik, S. A.; Grotemeyer, E. N.; Aghaei, Z.; Mian, M. R.; Jackson, T. A.* Investigating Ligand Sphere Perturbations on MnIII-Alkylperoxo Complexes. Molecules. 2024, 29, 1849.
74. Singh, P.; Massie, A. A.; Denler, M. C.; Lee, Y.; Mayfield, J. R.; Lomax, M. J. A.; Singh, R.; Nordlander, E.; Jackson, T. A.* C-H Bond Oxidation by MnIV-oxo Complexes: Hydrogen-Atom Tunneling and Multistate Reactivity. Inorg. Chem. 2024, 63, 7754-7769.
73. Sun, L.; Gutierrez, J.; Goff, A. L.; Gatineau, D.; Jackson, T. A.; Gennari, M.;* Duboc, C.* A Non-Macrocycle Thiolate-Based Cobalt Catalyst for Selective O2 Reduction into H2O. ChemCatChem 2024, 16, e202400270.
72. Singh, P.; Lee, Y.; Mayfield, J. R.; Singh, R.; Denler, M. C.; Jones, S. D.; Day, V. W.; Nordlander, E.; Jackson, T. A.* Enhanced Understanding of Structure-Function Relationships for Oxomanganese(IV) Complexes. Inorg. Chem. 2023, 62, 18357-18374.
71. Zhu, H.; Jackson, T. A.; Subramaniam, B.* Facile Ozonation of Light Alkanes to Oxygenates with High Atom Economy in Tunable Condensed Phase at Ambient Temperature. JACS Au. 2023, 3, 498-507.
70. Grotemeyer, E. N.; Parham, J. D.; Jackson, T. A.* Reaction landscape of a mononuclear MnIII-hydroxo complex with hydrogen peroxide. Dalton Trans. 2023, 52, 14350-14370.
69. Brunclik, S. A.; Opalade, A. A.; Jackson, T. A.* Electronic structure contributions to O-O bond cleavage reactions for MnIII-alkylperoxo complexes. Dalton Trans. 2023, 52, 13878-13894.
68. Meier, A. A.; Moon, H.-J.; Sabuncu, S.; Singh, P.; Ronnebaum, T. A.; Ou, S.; Douglas, J. T.; Jackson, T. A.; Moënne-Loccoz, P.; Mure, M.* Insight into the Spatial Arrangement of the Lysine Tyrosylquinone and Cu2+ in the Active Site of Lysyl Oxidase-like 2. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022, 23, 13966.
67. Zhang, Y.; Richards, D. S.; Grotemeyer, E. N.; Jackson, T. A.; Schöneich, C.* Near-UV and Visible Light Degradation of Iron (III)-Containing Citrate Buffer: Formation of Carbon Dioxide Radical Anion via Fragmentation of a Sterically Hindered Alkoxyl Radical. Molecular Pharmaceutics 2022, 19, 4026-4042.
66. Kenjic, N.; Meneely, K. M.; Wherritt, D. J.; Denler, M. C.; Jackson, T. A.; Moran, G. R.; Lamb, A. L.* Evidence for the Chemical Mechanism of RibB (3,4-Dihydroxy-2-butanone 4-phosphate Synthase) of Riboflavin Biosynthesis. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 12769-12780.
65. Kwon, Y. M.; Lee, Y.; Schmautz, A. K.; Jackson, T. A.*; Wang, D.* C-H Bond Activation by a Mononuclear Nickel(IV)-Nitrate Complex. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 12072-12080.
64. Massie, A. A.; Kostopoulos, N.; Grotemeyer, E. N.; Noël, J.-M.; Jackson, T. A.*; Anxolabéhère-Mallart, E.* Electrochemical formation and reactivity of a Mn peroxo complex bearing an amido N5 ligand. ChemElectroChem 2022, 9, e202200112.
63. Singh, P.; Stewart-Jones, E.; Denler, M. C.; Jackson, T. A. Mechanistic insight into oxygen atom transfer reactions by mononuclear manganese(iv)–oxo adducts. Dalton Trans.2022, 50, 3577-3585.
62. Shi, H.; Lundin, M.; Danby, A.; Go, E. P.; Patil, A.; Zhou, H.; Jackson, T. A.; Subramaniam, B.* Selective ozone activation of phenanthrene in liquid CO2. RSC Advances, 2022, 12, 626-630.
61. Grotemeyer, E. N.; Jackson, T. A.: Superoxide Processing. In Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry III; Constable, E. C., Parkin, G., Que Jr, L., Eds.; Elsevier, 2021; Vol. 8; pp 541-568.
60. Opalade, A. A.; Grotemeyer, E. N.; Jackson, T. A.* Mimicking Elementary Reactions of Manganese Lipoxygenase Using Mn-hydroxo and Mn-alkylperoxo Complexes. Molecules2021, 26, 7151.
59. Zolnhofer, E. M.; Opalade, A. A.; Jackson, T. A.*; Heinemann, F. W.; Meyer, K.; Krzystek, J.; Ozarowski, A.; Telser, J.* Electronic Structure and Magnetic Properties of a Low-Spin CrII Complex: trans-[CrCl2(dmpe)2] (dmpe = 1,2-Bis(dimethylphosphino)ethane). Inorg. Chem.2021, 60, 17865-17877.
58. Opalade, A. A.; Hessefort, L.; Day, V. W.; Jackson, T. A.* Controlling the Reactivity of a Metal-Hydroxo Adduct with a Hydrogen Bond. J. Am. Chem. Soc.2021, 143, 15159–15175.
57. Opalade, A. A.; Parham, J. D.; Day, V. W.; Jackson, T. A.* Characterization and chemical reactivity of room-temperature-stable MnIII–alkylperoxo complexes. Chem. Sci.2021, 12, 12564-12575.
56. Banerjee, A.; Li, J.; Molenda, M. A.; Opalade, A. A.; Adhikary, A.; Brennessel, W. W.; Malkhasian, A. Y. S.; Jackson, T. A.; Chavez, F. A.* Probing the Mechanism for 2,4′-Dihydroxyacetophenone Dioxygenase Using Biomimetic Iron Complexes. Inorg. Chem.2021, 60, 7168-7179.
55. Zhu, H.; Jackson, T. A.; Subramaniam, B.* Highly Selective Isobutane Hydroxylation by Ozone in a Pressure-Tuned Biphasic Gas–Liquid Process. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering2021, 9, 5506-5512.
54. Singh, P.; Stewart-Jones, E.; Denler, M. C.; Jackson, T. A.* Mechanistic insight into oxygen atom transfer reactions by mononuclear manganese(iv)–oxo adducts. Dalton Trans.2021, 50, 3577-3585.
53. Mayfield, J. R., Grotemeyer, E. N., & Jackson, T. A.* Concerted proton–electron transfer reactions of manganese–hydroxo and manganese–oxo complexes. Chemical Communications, 2020, 56, 9238-9255.
52. Kwon, Y. M., Lee, Y., Evenson, G. E., Jackson, T. A.*, & Wang, D.* Crystal Structure and C–H Bond-Cleaving Reactivity of a Mononuclear CoIV–Dinitrate Complex. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020, 31, 13435-13441.
51. Zolnhofer, E. M., Wijeratne, G. B., Jackson, T. A.*, Fortier, S., Heinemann, F. W., Meyer, K., Krzystek, J., Ozarowski, A., Daniel, M. J.*, & Telser, J.* Electronic Structure and Magnetic Properties of a Titanium(II) Coordination Complex. Inorganic Chemistry, 2020, 59, 6187-6201.
50. Chen, X., Rice, D. B., Danby, A. M., Lundin, M. D., Jackson, T. A., & Subramaniam, B.* Experimental and Computational Investigations of C-H Activation of Cyclohexane by Ozone in Liquid CO2. Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 5, 793-802.
49. Rice, D. B., Grotemeyer, E. N., Donovan, A. M., & Jackson, T. A.* Effect of Lewis Acids on the Structure and Reactivity of a Mononuclear Hydroxomanganese(III) Complex. Inorganic Chemistry, 2020, 59, 2689-2700.
48. Massie, A. A., Denler, M. C., Singh, R., Sinha, A., Nordlander, E., & Jackson, T. A.* Structural Characterization of a Series of N5-Ligated MnIV-oxo Species. Chemistry a European Journal, 2020, 26, 900-912.
47. Rice, D. B., Munasinghe, A., Grotemeyer, E. N., Burr, A. D., Day, V. W., & Jackson, T. A.* Structure and Reactivity of (μ-Oxo) dimanganese (III, III) and Mononuclear Hydroxomanganese(III) Adducts Supported by Derivatives of an Amide-Containing Pentadentate Ligand. Inorganic Chemistry, 2019, 58, 622-636.
46. Rice, D. B., Massie, A. A., & Jackson, T. A.* Experimental and Multireference ab Initio Investigations of Hydrogen-Atom-Transfer Reactivity of a Mononuclear MnIV-oxo Complex. Inorganic Chemistry, 2019, 58, 13902-13916.
45. Parham, J. D., Wijeratne, G. B., Mayfield, J. R., & Jackson, T. A.* Steric control of dioxygen activation pathways for MnII complexes supported by pentadentate, amide-containing ligands. Dalton Transactions, 2019, 48, 13034-13045.
44. Denler, M. C., Massie, A. A., Singh, R., Stewart-Jones, E., Sinha, A., Day, V. W., Nordlander, E., & Jackson, T. A.* MnIV-Oxo complex of a bis (benzimidazolyl)-containing N5 ligand reveals different reactivity trends for MnIV-oxo than FeIV-oxo species. Dalton Transactions, 2019, 48, 5007-5021.
43. Lee, Y., & Jackson, T. A.* Ligand Influence on Structural Properties and Reactivity of Bis(μ‐oxo)dimanganese(III,IV) Species and Comparison of Reactivity with Terminal MnIV‐oxo Complexes. ChemistrySelect, 2018, 3, 13507-13516.
42. Denler, M. C., Wijeratne, G. B., Rice, D. B., Colmer, H. E., Day, V. W., & Jackson, T. A.* MnIII-Peroxo adduct supported by a new tetradentate ligand shows acid-sensitive aldehyde deformylation reactivity. Dalton Transactions, 2018, 47, 13442-13458.
41. Massie, A. A., Sinha, A., Parham, J. D., Nordlander, E., & Jackson, T. A.* Relationship between Hydrogen-Atom Transfer Driving Force and Reaction Rates for an Oxomanganese (IV) Adduct. Inorganic Chemistry, 2018, 57, 8253-8263.
40. Rice, D. B., Jones, S. D., Douglas, J. T., & Jackson, T. A.* NMR Studies of a MnIII-hydroxo Adduct Reveal an Equilibrium between MnIII-hydroxo and μ-Oxodimanganese(III,III) Species. Inorganic Chemistry, 2018, 57, 7825-7837.
39. Parham, J. D., Wijeratne, G. B., Rice, D. B., & Jackson, T. A.* Spectroscopic and Structural Characterization of Mn(III)-alkylperoxo Complexes Supported by Pentadentate Amide-containing Ligands. Inorganic Chemistry, 2018, 57, 2489-2502.
38. Rice, D. B., Wijeratne, G. B., & Jackson, T. A.* Mn K-edge X-ray Absorption Studies of Mononuclear Mn(III)-hydroxo Complexes. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 2017, 22, 1281-1293.
37. Rice, D. B., Massie, A. A., & Jackson, T. A.* Manganese-Oxygen Intermediates in O-O Bond Activation and Hydrogen-Atom Transfer Reactions. Accounts of Chemical Research, 2017, 50, 2706-2717.
36. Jensen, S. C., Davis, K. M., Sullivan, B., Hartzler, D. A., Seidler, G. T., Casa, D. M., Kasman, E., Colmer, H. E., Massie, A. A., Jackson, T. A., & Pushkar, Y.* X-ray Emission Spectroscopy of Biomimetic Mn Coordination Complexes. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2017, 8, 2584-2589.
35. Massie, A. A., Denler, M. C., Thiara Cardoso, L., Walker, A. N., Kamal Hossain, M., Day, V. W., Nordlander, E., & Jackson, T. A.* Equatorial Ligand Perturbations Influence the Reactivity of Mn(IV)-Oxo Complexes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2017, 56, 4178-4182.
34. Baslon, V., Harris, J. P., Reber, C.*, Colmer, H. E., Jackson, T. A.*, Forshaw, A. P., Smith, J. M.*, Kinney, A., & Telser, J.* Near-infrared 2Eg → 4A2g luminescence from a molecular bis-(tris(carbene)borate) manganese(IV) complex. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 2017, 95, 547-552.
33. Colmer, H. E., Margarit, C. G., Smith, J. M., Jackson, T. A.*, & Telser, J.* Spectroscopic and Computational Investigation of Low-Spin MnIII Bis(scorpionate) Complexes. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry,2016, 2413-2423.
32. Leto, D. F., Massie, A. A., Rice, D. B., & Jackson, T. A.* Spectroscopic and Computational Investigations of a Mononuclear Manganese(IV)-Oxo Complex Reveal Electronic Structure Contributions to Reactivity. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 15413–15424.
31. Rice, D. B., Wijeratne, G. B., Burr, A. D., Parham, J. D., Day, V. W., & Jackson, T.* A. Steric and Electronic Influence on Proton-Coupled Electron-Transfer Reactivity of a Mononuclear Mn(III)-Hydroxo Complex. Inorganic Chemistry, 2016, 55, 8110-8120.
30. Lohrman, J., Telikepalli, H., Johnson, T. S., Jackson, T. A., Day, V. W., & Bowman-James, K.* Pyrazinetetracarboxamide: A Duplex Ligand for Palladium(II). Inorganic Chemistry, 2016, 55, 5098–5100.
29. Leto, D. F., Massie, A. A., Colmer, H. E., & Jackson, T. A.* X-Band Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Comparison of Mononuclear MnIV-oxo and MnIV-hydroxo Complexes and Quantum Chemical Investigation of MnIV Zero-Field Splitting. Inorganic Chemistry, 2016, 55, 3272-3282.
28. Colmer, H. E., Howcroft, A. W., & Jackson, T. A.* Formation, Characterization, and O-O Bond Activation of a Peroxomanganese(III) Complex Supported by a Cross-Clamped Cyclam Ligand. Inorganic Chemistry, 2016, 55, 2055-2069.
27. Wijeratne, G. B., Zolnhofer, E. M., Fortier, S., Grant, L. N., Carroll, P. J., Chen, C.-H., Meyer, K., Krzystek, J., Ozarowski, A., Jackson, T. A.*, Mindiola, D. J.*, & Telser, J.* Electronic Structure and Reactivity of a Well-Defined Mononuclear Complex of Ti(II). Inorganic Chemistry, 2015, 54, 10380-10397.
26. Kumar, M., Chaudhari, R. V., Subramaniam, B.*, & Jackson, T. A.* Importance of Long-Range Non-Covalent Interactions in the Regioselectivity of Rhodium-Xantphos Catalyzed Hydroformylation. Organometallics, 2015,34, 1062-1073.
25. Wijeratne, G. B., Day, V. W., & Jackson, T. A.* O-H bond oxidation by a monomeric Mn(III)-OMe complex. Dalton Transactions, 2015, 44, 3295-3306.
24. Colmer, H. E., Geiger, R. A., Leto, D. F., Wijeratne, G. B., Day, V. W., & Jackson, T. A.* Geometric and electronic structure of a peroxomanganese(iii) complex supported by a scorpionate ligand. Dalton Transactions, 2014, 43, 17949-17963.
23. Kumar, M., Chaudhari, R. V., Subramaniam, B., & Jackson, T. A.* Ligand Effects on the Regioselectivity of Rhodium-Catalyzed Hydroformylation: Density Functional Calculations Illuminate the Role of Long-Range Noncovalent Interactions. Organometallics, 2014, 33, 4183-4191.
22. Wijeratne, G. B., Corzine, B., Day, V. W., & Jackson, T. A.* Saturation kinetics in phenolic O-H bond oxidation by a mononuclear Mn(III)-OH complex derived from dioxygen. Inorganic Chemistry, 2014, 53, 7622-34.
21. Leto, D. F., & Jackson, T. A.* Mn K-edge X-ray absorption studies of oxo- and hydroxo-manganese(IV) complexes: experimental and theoretical insights into pre-edge properties. Inorganic Chemistry, 2014, 53, 6179-94.
20. Ching, H. Y. Vincent, Anxolabehere-Mallart, E.*, Colmer, H. E., Costentin, C., Dorlet, P., Jackson, T. A., Policar, C.*, & Robert, M. Electrochemical formation and reactivity of a manganese peroxo complex: acid driven H2O2 generation vs. O-O bond cleavage. Chemical Science, 2014, 5, 2304-2310.
19. Begum, R. A., Day, V. W., Kumar, M., Gonzalez, J., Jackson, T. A., & Bowman-James, K.* M⋯H–C interaction – Agostic or not: A comparison of phenyl- versus pyridyl-bridged transition metal dimers. Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2014,417, 287 - 293.
18. Leto, D. F., & Jackson, T. A.* Peroxomanganese complexes as an aid to understanding redox-active manganese enzymes. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 2014, 19, 1-15.
17. El Ghachtouli, S., Ching, H. Y. V., Lassalle-Kaiser, B., Guillot, R., Leto, D. F., Chattopdhyay, S., Jackson, T. A., Dorlet, P., & Anxolabéhère-Mallart, E.* Electrochemical formation of a MnIII-peroxo complexes supported by pentadentate amin pyridine and imidazole ligands. Chemical Communications, 2013, 49, 5696-5698.
16. Forshaw, A. P., Smith, J. M., Ozarowski, A., Krzystek, J., Smirnov, D., Zvyagin, S. A., Harris, D. T., Karunadasa, H. I., Zadrozny, J. M., Schnegg, A., Holldack, K., Jackson, T. A.*, Alamiri, A., Barnes, D. M., & Telser, J.* Low-Spin Mn(III): Synthesis and Spectroscopic Investigation of Homoleptic Tris(pyrazolyl)borate and Tris(carbene)borate Complexes. Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 52, 144-159.
15. Krause, M. E., Glass, A. M., Jackson, T. A.*, & Laurence, J. S.* Embedding the Ni-SOD Mimetic Ni-NCC within a Polypeptide Sequence Alters the Specificity of the Reaction Pathway. Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 52, 77-83.
14. Leto, D. F., Chattopadhyay, S., Day, V. W., & Jackson, T. A.* Reaction Landscape of a pentadentate N5-liganted MnII complex with O2•- and H2O2 includes conversion of a peroxomanganese(III) adduct to a bis(μ-oxo)dimanganese(III,IV) species. Dalton Transactions, 2013, 42, 13014-13025.
13. Leto, D. F., Ingram, R., Day, V. W., & Jackson, T. A.* Spectroscopic Properties and Reactivity of a Mononuclear Oxomanganese(IV) Complex. Chemical Communications, 2013, 49, 5378-5380.
12. Wold, A. B., Leavitt, C. M., Fournier, J. A., Kamrath, M. Z., Wijeratne, G. B., Jackson, T. A., & Johnson, M. A.* Isolation and characterization of a peroxo manganese (III) dioxygen reaction intermediate using cryogenic ion vibrational predissociation spectroscopy. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2013, 354-355, 33-38.
11. Bane, K., Geiger, R. A., Chabolla, S., & Jackson, T. A.* Determination of zero-field splitting parameters for a MnIV center using variable-temperature, variable-field magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy: Comparison to electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. Inorganic Chimica Acta,2012, (380), 135-140.
10. Geiger, R. A., Wijeratne, G., Day, V. W., & Jackson, T. A.* Steric and Electronic Influences on the Structures of Peroxomanganese(III) Complexes Supported by Tetradentate Ligands. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry,2012, 1598-1608.
9. Glass, A. M., Krause, M. E., Laurence, J. S.*, & Jackson, T. A.* Controlling the Chiral Inversion Reaction of the Metallopeptide Ni-Asparagine-Cysteine-Cysteine with Dioxygen. Inorganic Chemistry, 2012,51, 10055-10063.
8. Jackson, T. A.*, Krzystek, J., Ozarowski, A., Wijeratne, G. B., Wicker, B. F., Mindiola, D.*, & Telser, J.* Vanadocene de Nova: Spectroscopic and Computational Analysis of Bis(η5-cyclopentadienyl)vanadium(II). Organometallics, 2012, 31, 8265-8274.
7. Geiger, R. A., Chattopadhyay, S., Day, V. W., & Jackson, T. A.* Nucleophilic Reactivity of a Series of Peroxomanganese(III) Complexes Supported by Tetradentate Aminopyridyl Ligands. Dalton Transactions, 2011, 40, 1707-1715.
6. Geiger, R. A., Leto, D. F., Chattopadhyay, S., Dorlet, P., Mallart, E. A., & Jackson, T. A.* Geometric and Electronic Structures of Peroxomanganese(III) Complexes Supported by Pentadentate Amino-Pyridine and -Imidazole Ligands. Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 50, 10190-10203.
5. Krause, M. E., Glass, A. M., Jackson, T. A.*, & Laurence, J. S.* MAPping the Chiral Inversion and Structural Transformation of a Metal-Tripeptide Complex. Inorganic Chemistry, 2011,50, 2479-2487.
4. Shi, S., Wang, Y., Xu, A., Wang, H., Zhu, D., Roy, S. B., Jackson, T. A., Busch, D. H., & Yin, G.* Distinct Reactivity Differences of Metal Oxo and Its Corresponding Hydroxo Moieties in Oxidations: Implications from a Manganese(IV) Complex Having a Dihydroxide Ligand. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2011, 123, 7459-7462.
3. Chattopadhyay, S., Geiger, R. A., Yin, G., Busch, D. H., & Jackson, T. A.* Oxo- and Hydroxomanganese(IV) Species: A Comparative Spectroscopic and Computational Study. Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 49, 7530-7535.
2. Geiger, R. A., Chattopadhyay, S., Day, V. W., & Jackson, T. A.* A Series of Peroxomanganese(III) Complexes Supported by Aminopyridyl Ligands: Detailed Spectroscopic and Computational Studies. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132, 2821-2831.
1. Krause, M. E., Glass, A. M., Jackson, T. A.*, & Laurence, J. S.* Novel Tripeptide Model of Nickel Superoxide Dismutase. Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, 49, 362-364.
8. Wang, D., Ray, K., Collins, M. J., Farquhar, E. R., Frisch, J. R., Gomez, L., Jackson, T. A., Kerscher, M., Waleska, A., Comba, P., Costas, M., & Que, L., Jr. Nonheme Oxoiron(IV) Complexes of Pentadentate N5 Ligands: Spectroscopy, Electrochemistry, and Oxidative Reactivity. Chemical Science, 2013, 4, 282-291.
7. McDonald, A. R., Bukowski, M. R., Farquhar, E. R., Jackson, T. A., Koehntop, K. D., Seo, M. S., Dehont, R. F., Stubna, A., Halfen, J. A., Münck, E., Nam, W., & Que, L., Jr. Sulfur versus Iron Oxidation in an Iron-Thiolate Model Complex. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132, 17118-17129.
6. Jackson, T. A., Rohde, J.-U., Seo, M. S., Sastri, C. V., DeHont, R., Ohta, T., Kitagawa, T., Münck, E., Nam, W., & Que, L., Jr. Modulation of Spectroscopic Properties of an Oxoiron(IV) Unit Through Trans Substitutions. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 130, 12394-12407.
5. Rohde, J.-U., Betley, T. A., Jackson, T. A., Saouma, C. T., Peters, J. C., & Que, L., Jr. XAS Chracterization of a Nitridoiron(IV) Complex with a Very Short Fe–N Bond. Inorganic Chemistry, 2007, 46, 5720-5726.
4. Sastri, C. V., Lee, J., Oh, K., Lee, Y. J., Lee, J., Jackson, T. A., Ray, K., Hirao, H., Shin, W., Halfen, J. A., Kim, J., Que, L., Jr., Shaik, S., Nam, W., et al. Axial Ligand Tuning of a Nonheme Iron(IV)–Oxo Unit for Hydrogen Atom Abstraction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, U.S.A., 2007, 104, 19181-19186.
3. Jackson, T. A., & Que, L., Jr. Structural and Functional Models for Oxygen–Activating Nonheme Iron Enzymes. In H. B. Kraatz & N. Metzler-Nolte, Concepts and Models in Bioinorganic Chemistry2006, (pp. 259–285). Wiley–VCH: Weinheim.
2. Klinker, E. J., Jackson, T. A., Jensen, M. P., Stubna, A., Juhasz, G., Bominaar, E. L., Münck, E., & Que, L., Jr. A Tosylimido Analog of a Nonheme Oxoiron(IV) Complex. Angewandte Chemie International Edition,2006, 45, 7394-7397.
1. Sastri, C. V., Park, M. J., Ohta, T., Jackson, T. A., Stubna, A., Seo, M. S., Lee, J., Kim, J., Kitagawa, T., Münck, E., Que, L., Jr., & Nam, W. (2005). Axial Ligand Substituted Nonheme FeIV=O Complexes: Observation of Near–UV LMCT Bands and Fe=O Raman Vibrations. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2005, 127, 12494–12495.
7. Jackson, T. A., Gutman, C. T., Maliekal, J., Miller, A. F., & Brunold, T. C. Geometric and electronic structures of manganese-substituted iron superoxide dismutase. Inorganic Chemistry, 2013, 52, 3356-67.
6. Jackson, T. A., Karapetian, A., Miller, A.-F., & Brunold, T. C. Probing the Geometric and Electronic Structures of the Low Temperature Azide Adduct of Oxidized Manganese Superoxide Dismutase and the Product–Inhibited Complex. Biochemistry, 2005, 44, 1504–1520.
5. Jackson, T. A., & Brunold, T. C. Combined Spectroscopic/Computational Studies on Fe– and Mn–Dependent Superoxide Dismutases: Insights into Second–Sphere Tuning of Active Site Properties. Accounts of Chemical Research, 2004, 37, 461–470.
4. Jackson, T. A., Karapetian, A., Miller, A.-F., & Brunold, T. C. Spectroscopic and Computational Studies of the Azide–Adduct of Manganese Superoxide Dismutase: Definitive Assignment of the Ligand Responsible for the Low–Temperature Thermochromism. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2004, 126, 12477–12491.
3. Jackson, T. A., Yikilmaz, E., Miller, A.-F., & Brunold, T. C. (2003). Spectroscopic and Computational Study of a Non–Heme Iron {Fe–NO}7 System: Exploring the Geometric and Electronic Structures of the Nitrosyl Adduct of Iron Superoxide Dismutase. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003, 125, 8348 – 8363.
2. Maliekal, J., Karapetian, A., Vance, C., Yikilmaz, E., Wu, Q., Jackson, T. A., Brunold, T. C., Spiro, T. G., & Miller, A.-F. (2002). Comparison and Contrasts between the Active Site pKs of Mn–Superoxide Dismutase and Those of Fe– Superoxide Dismutase. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 124, 15064 – 15075.
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